Beer Aid

This post talks about gas. If you are having a beer and don’t want to read about then turn away. Or if you don’t like burping or it’s smellier sibling then move on. Though this might make those two unpleasantries go away.
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I usually only get a case of the burps when drinking beer though some sour beers are just to acidic for my stomach linings to process.  I don’t know how widespread the problem is in comparison to hangovers but at least digestion is more understood than that horrible spinning with throbbing headache.

According to their website, “Beer AID and its proprietary digestive enzyme formula, works in the small intestine to break apart malt sugars from beer, making them more digestible. Especially today’s big, sweet, craft beers. The bigger the beer, the higher the odds that it’s got plenty of the unfermented sugars that can give you lots of gas and bloating.”

The amount suggested to take is a couple “before” each beer and with only 60 in a container and at $17.50 + $7.00 shipping = .41 cents a pill X 2 means you have added .82 cents to each beer you imbibe.  But if it rids you of a problem and lets you enjoy craft beer more, then it could be well worth it.